6 research outputs found

    Identifying Citation Contexts: a Review of Strategies and Goals.

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    The Citation Contexts of a cited entity can be seen as little tesserae that, fit together, can be exploited to follow the opinion of the scientific community towards that entity as well as to summarize its most important contents. This mosaic is an excellent resource of information also for identifying topic specific synonyms, indexing terms and citers’ motivations, i.e. the reasons why authors cite other works. Is a paper cited for comparison, as a source of data or just for additional info? What is the polarity of a citation? Different reasons for citing reveal also different weights of the citations and different impacts of the cited authors that go beyond the mere citation count metrics. Identifying the appropriate Citation Context is the first step toward a multitude of possible analysis and researches. So far, Citation Context have been defined in several ways in literature, related to different purposes, domains and applications. In this paper we present different dimensions of Citation Context investigated by researchers through the years in order to provide an introductory review of the topic to anyone approaching this subject.Possiamo pensare ai Contesti Citazionali come tante tessere che, unite, possono essere sfruttate per seguire l’opinione della comunità scientifica riguardo ad un determinato lavoro o per riassumerne i contenuti più importanti. Questo mosaico di informazioni può essere utilizzato per identificare sinonimi specifici e Index Terms nonchè per individuare i motivi degli autori dietro le citazioni. Identificare il Contesto Citazionale ottimale è il primo passo per numerose analisi e ricerche. Il Contesto Citazionale è stato definito in diversi modi in letteratura, in relazione a differenti scopi, domini e applicazioni. In questo paper presentiamo le principali dimensioni testuali di Contesto Citazionale investigate dai ricercatori nel corso degli anni

    Proceedings of the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2018

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    On behalf of the Program Committee, a very warm welcome to the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-­‐it 2018). This edition of the conference is held in Torino. The conference is locally organised by the University of Torino and hosted into its prestigious main lecture hall “Cavallerizza Reale”. The CLiC-­‐it conference series is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC) which, after five years of activity, has clearly established itself as the premier national forum for research and development in the fields of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, where leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry meet to share their research results, experiences, and challenges

    Deftor at SemEval-2016 task 14: Taxonomy enrichment using definition vectors

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    In this paper we describe the participation of the Joint Research Centre, EC, in task 14 - Semantic Taxonomy Enrichment at SemEval 2016. The algorithm which we propose transforms each candidate definition into a term vector, where each dimension represents a term and its value is calculated by TF.IDF. We attach the candidate term as a hyponym to the WordNet synset with the most similar definition. The results we obtained are encouraging, considering the simplicity of our approach. The obtained F measure is below the average, but above one of the baselines

    Treebanks of Logical Forms: they are Useful Only if Consistent

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    Logical Forms are an exceptionally important linguistic representation for highly demanding semantically related tasks like Question/ Answering and Text Understanding, but their automatic production at runtime is higly error-prone. The use of a tool like XWNet and other similar resources would be beneficial for all the NLP community, but not only. The problem is: Logical Forms are useful as long as they are consistent, otherwise they would be useless if not harmful. Like any other resource that aims at providing a meaning representation, LFs require a big effort in manual checking order to reduce the number of errors to the minimum acceptable – less than 1% - from any digital resource. As will be shown in detail in the paper, the available resources – XWNet, WN30-lfs, ILF - suffer from lack of a careful manual checking phase, and the number of errors is too high to make the resource usable as is. We classified mistakes by their syntactic or semantic type in order to facilitate a revision of the resource that we intend to do using regular expressions. We also commented extensively on semantic issues and on the best way to represent them in Logical Forms

    Identifying citation contexts: A review of strategies and goals

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    The Citation Contexts of a cited entity can be seen as little tesserae that, fit together, can be exploited to follow the opinion of the scientific community towards that entity as well as to summarize its most important contents. This mosaic is an excellent resource of information also for identifying topic specific synonyms, indexing terms and citers' motivations, i.e. the reasons why authors cite other works. Is a paper cited for comparison, as a source of data or just for additional info? What is the polarity of a citation? Different reasons for citing reveal also different weights of the citations and different impacts of the cited authors that go beyond the mere citation count metrics. Identifying the appropriate Citation Context is the first step toward a multitude of possible analysis and researches. So far, Citation Context have been defined in several ways in literature, related to different purposes, domains and applications. In this paper we present different dimensions of Citation Context investigated by researchers through the years in order to provide an introductory review of the topic to anyone approaching this subject

    SenTube: A Corpus for Sentiment Analysis on YouTube Social Media

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    In this paper we present SenTube -- a dataset of user-generated comments on YouTube videos annotated for information content and sentiment polarity. It contains annotations that allow to develop classifiers for several important NLP tasks: (i) sentiment analysis, (ii) text categorization (relatedness of a comment to video and/or product), (iii) spam detection, and (iv) prediction of comment informativeness. The SenTube corpus favors the development of research on indexing and searching YouTube videos exploiting information derived from comments. The corpus will cover several languages: at the moment, we focus on English and Italian, with Spanish and Dutch parts scheduled for the later stages of the project. For all the languages, we collect videos for the same set of products, thus offering possibilities for multi- and cross-lingual experiments. The paper provides annotation guidelines, corpus statistics and annotator agreement details